The age-old question of whether chickens can fly has intrigued poultry keepers and curious minds for generations. But the answer to their flying capabilities is more complex than one might think.
Chickens can fly, but their flying abilities are limited compared to those of other bird species. Ancestors of domestic chickens can fly short distances. Meanwhile, some domestic chickens may retain some limited ability to fly, but they are not as capable of sustained flight as their wild ancestors.
This article will explore the truth behind the flight of chickens, the factors that affect it, and how modern chicken breeds differ from their wild ancestors.
Can Wild Chickens Fly?

Wild chickens, also known as jungle fowl, possess a greater ability to fly compared to their domestic counterparts.
They are equipped with strong, long wings and a lightweight body structure. This combination allows them to perform short, powerful bursts of flight.
Although they can’t soar as high as eagles or fly as far as sparrows, they can certainly cover a good distance. This ability is primarily used as a defense mechanism to escape predators or to roost in trees.
However, their flight is more of a controlled glide than a sustained flight. After the initial powerful upward thrust, they glide downward to their destination.
Despite these limitations, their flight abilities are crucial for their survival in the wild.
Why Can’t Chickens Fly Like Their Ancestors?
Through centuries of domestication and selective breeding, chickens have lost much of their ability to fly like their wild ancestors.
The process of selective breeding, driven by the desire for traits like docility, rapid growth, and increased egg or meat production, de-emphasized their ability to fly.
Consequently, domestic chickens today are generally heavier than their wild counterparts. This increased weight, coupled with a bone structure designed for walking rather than flying, limits their flight capabilities.
They have shorter, heavier bones that aren’t conducive to sustained flight. While they can flap their wings and lift off the ground, their flight is more of a controlled hop or glide rather than a true flight.
Furthermore, domesticated chickens often live in confined environments where flying is unnecessary for survival, further reducing the need for flight.
However, modern chickens can still use their wings to escape danger or reach higher ground. Most chickens won’t be able to fly over an eight-foot fence, but some can still fly up into a tree or a low branch.
Which Breed of Chickens Can Fly?

Not all chicken breeds are created equal when it comes to flight. While most chickens can fly short distances, some breeds are more adept at it than others.
Leghorns and Rhode Island Whites are two breeds that can fly very well. They are known for their ability to lift off the ground and cover a reasonable distance.
Other breeds that are known for their flying abilities include the Old English Game, American Game Fowl, Hamburgs, Sumatras, and Araucanas. These breeds are known to be strong flyers, capable of hopping fences.
On the other hand, most bantam chickens, due to their weight, are also stronger fliers compared to heavier breeds.
However, some heavy breeds like Orpingtons and Silkies can barely fly or can’t fly at all. Silkies, for instance, don’t possess flight feathers, making flight nearly impossible.
Overall, while most chickens can fly to some extent, the ability to fly well and for longer distances varies greatly among different chicken breeds.
How High Can Chickens Fly?
The ability of chickens to fly is often underestimated. While they won’t be soaring like eagles, they can certainly get some air under their wings. The height at which a chicken can fly depends mainly on its breed and size.
Most chickens, particularly the heavier ones like Orpingtons and Wyandottes, can only fly around 2 to 3 feet in the air at the most.
This is often enough to reach a perch or escape a ground-level threat. However, don’t expect them to fly over a tall fence. Their body structure and weight limit their flight capabilities.
On the other hand, lighter breeds and bantam chickens can fly a bit higher. They can fly up to 3 to 4 feet in the air with ease, and some can even fly up to 4 to 6 feet.
How Far Can Chickens Fly?

While chickens are not known for long-distance flights, they can cover a surprising distance when necessary.
The distance a chicken can cover in flight depends greatly on its breed and size. Lighter breeds, such as Leghorns, can cover more distance compared to heavier breeds, like Orpingtons.
On average, a chicken can fly around 40 to 50 feet. This distance is more than enough for a chicken to escape danger or reach a higher perch.
However, this can vary significantly among different breeds and individual chickens.
Moreover, it’s important to note that chickens usually don’t fly unless they need to. They might fly to escape a predator, reach a higher roost, or if they’re startled.
At What Age Do Chickens Start to Fly?
Chickens start to develop their flight abilities at a young age. As chicks, they begin to test their wings and attempt to fly. This usually starts when they are about a week old.
At this stage, their flight is more of a flutter or a hop, but it’s the beginning of their journey to becoming airborne. As the chicks grow and their feathers develop, their ability to fly improves.
By the time they are 5 to 6 weeks old, they can fly short distances. This is often when chicken keepers notice their chicks flying up to the rim of the brooder or even out of it.
It’s a sign that the chicks are growing and their flight muscles are developing.
Can Chickens Fly Over Fences?

Chickens, despite their limited flight abilities, can indeed fly over fences. The height they can reach depends on their breed and size. Most backyard chicken breeds can fly over a fence that’s about four feet high.
However, lighter breeds or those known for their flying abilities, such as Leghorns or Hamburg chickens, can easily jump over fences and roam far.
It’s important to note that chickens are more likely to fly over a fence if they’re motivated. This could be due to a threat, a desire to explore, or the fact that the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence.
If the fenced area is small or barren, chickens are more likely to try to escape. Thus, if you’re planning to keep chickens in your backyard, it’s important to consider the height of your fence and the breed of your chickens.
How to Prevent Chickens From Flying
As much as chickens love to roam freely, the idea of a flock of backyard chickens soaring over fences and exploring beyond the chicken run can be a cause for concern.
This section will explore two effective methods to ensure your chickens cannot stay on top for long and remain happily and securely grounded within their designated chicken coops.
Wing Trimming
In my experience with chicken keeping, I’ve had my fair share of runaway hens. One memorable incident involved a particularly adventurous white Leghorn who managed to fly about 10 feet over our fence.
That’s when I learned the effectiveness of wing trimming. It’s a simple, painless procedure that has kept my flock safe and secure in their chicken run.
Wing trimming, also known as wing clipping, is a common practice among chicken owners to prevent their flock from flying away. It involves cutting the primary flight feathers of one wing.
Clipping a chicken’s wing feathers doesn’t hurt the chickens, as feathers are similar to our hair and nails. However, it’s essential to clip only the primary feathers, leaving the secondary feathers intact.
This imbalance makes it difficult for chickens to fly, keeping them grounded. However, some persistent chickens may demonstrate that they can fly despite having their wings trimmed.
Remember, wing clipping is not permanent. When new feathers grow during molting, the process must be repeated.
Another way to keep chickens from flying is by brailing. This involves attaching lightweight elastic loops, also known as brails, to the chicken’s wings.
These loops limit the extension of the wings, making it difficult for the chicken to achieve flight while still allowing the wings to be used for balance and maneuvering on the ground.
This method is less common than wing clipping and requires careful application to avoid hurting the chicken.
I have also tried this method with my chickens. Although effective, I need to monitor the chickens regularly to ensure the band is not too tight and causing discomfort.
Meanwhile, when I clip their wings, this doesn’t cause pain to the chicken when applied correctly and carefully.
Chicken Flying Records

Chickens may not be known for their flying prowess, but they have set some surprising records.
Sheena, a barnyard bantam owned by Bill and Bob Knox, holds the record for the longest recorded flight of a chicken at 192.07 meters (630 feet), according to the Guinness World Records.
This record-breaking flight took place in 1985 and has not been surpassed since.
However, it’s important to remember that such feats are not typical for the average chicken. Most chickens, especially domesticated breeds, are not capable of such long flights.
Factors such as breed, size, and physical condition play a significant role in a chicken’s ability to fly.
These records, while amusing, also highlight the inherent flight abilities of chickens. It shows that they can achieve impressive feats when given the right conditions and motivation despite their limited flight skills.
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Can’t Chickens Fly Like Birds?
Chickens have large, heavy flight muscles and relatively small wings, which makes it difficult for them to achieve the necessary wing loading, a ratio of body mass to wing area, for sustained flight.
Because of domestication, they can no longer fly as far as they once could. Breeders have selectively bred chickens for larger flight muscles, which are the tasty chicken breasts people enjoy nowadays.
This selective breeding has resulted in chickens that are heavier and have even smaller wings relative to their body size, further limiting their ability to fly.
Can All Chickens Fly?
In general, chickens have the ability to fly, but not all choose to, and some are simply too heavy to get their bodies off the ground. Bantams, with their small bodies, are the best flyers.
Other lighter breeds, such as Araucanas, are also good flyers; some breeds just like to fly. However, heavier birds like Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Australorps usually lack the energy to take to the air.
So, while most chickens can fly, their willingness and ability to do so can vary greatly depending on their breed and individual characteristics.
Can Little Chickens Fly?
Yes, little chickens can fly, and they start to do so earlier than you might think. Chicks start to develop their flight skills quite early. Around the first week, they begin to flap their wings and attempt to fly.
However, their successful flights usually start around the second week. They are surprisingly agile and can even get enough air to be able to escape an 18-inch high box.
It’s fun to watch chicks learn to fly, but it’s also a sign for chicken keepers to keep their chickens safe and secure their brooder. Still, small chicken breeds can only achieve short bursts of flight even when fully grown.
Can Turkeys Fly?
Domesticated turkeys, bred for their size and plumpness, are generally too heavy to take flight. Young domestic turkeys, or poults, can fly for short distances but become flightless as they mature.
However, their wild counterparts, with a wingspan of about 4.1 to 4.8 feet, can fly short distances, usually at low altitudes.
Despite their size, wild turkeys can travel short distances of around a quarter mile at speeds between 40 and 55 mph. So, while not all turkeys can fly, wild turkeys certainly have the ability to do so.
How about your chickens? In the comments, share with us how far your chickens can fly. Feel free to ask any questions you may also have about chicken flight!