Every chicken keeper eventually has to deal with the inevitable process of chicken molting. Watching your chickens go through this period can be difficult, but it can also teach you a lot.
Whether you’re an experienced chicken keeper or just starting out, understanding molting is essential. From recognizing the signs of molting to knowing what to feed your chickens during this time, there’s a lot to learn.
The molting process can be complicated, but this article will explain all of the ins and outs and provide you with some helpful pointers along the way. By the end, you should be able to help your chickens molt with ease.
What Is Molting in Chickens?

Molting is a natural process in which chickens shed their old feathers to grow new ones. As autumn approaches and days become shorter, cooler temperatures signal chickens to start this process. This is their body’s way of preparing for the colder months ahead.
Over time, a chicken’s feathers can become dull, broken, and worn out. These old feathers aren’t as effective in protecting the bird from harsh weather conditions like wind, rain, and snow.
By shedding these old feathers, chickens make way for new, vibrant plumage that not only keeps them warm but also attracts attention from the opposite sex.
Do All Chickens Molt?
All chickens go through a molting process. It is a natural shedding and regrowth of feathers that occurs in chickens as part of their yearly cycle.
It’s essential for backyard chicken keepers to understand that molting is a regular occurrence. During this period, chickens may start to look a bit scruffy as they lose feathers and new ones begin to grow.
As feathers are primarily made of protein, increasing their protein intake is especially important during molting. Doing this will help molting chickens grow new feathers more efficiently.
However, note that molting is just one of the many reasons why chickens lose their feathers. Our article on this should give you an insight into what you should do for each instance.
Why Do Chickens Molt?

The primary reason chickens molt is to replace old, worn-out feathers with new ones. This natural process helps chickens maintain healthy plumage, keeping them warm in cold weather.
Molting occurs in response to cooler weather and shorter days, typically at the end of summer or early fall. During this molting period, a chicken redirects its energy from laying eggs to growing new feathers.
This is why many chicken keepers notice a drop in egg production during molting. This process ensures that the chickens’ feathers are in top shape as they head into the winter months.
When Do Chickens Molt?
Chickens typically start molting in the late summer or early fall. This timing is influenced by the decrease in daylight hours and the end of an egg-laying cycle.
However, the exact onset can vary from one chicken to the next. Some chickens might start their molt in different seasons, like mid-summer.
External factors, such as unusual lighting conditions, extreme heat, or physical stress, can also trigger molting at unexpected times.
Moreover, chickens go through several molts in their lifetime. The earliest, known as the juvenile molt, happens twice.
Around 6 to 8 days of age, chicks undergo their first molt and begin to shed their downy coats and grow their first feathers.
The second molt happens between weeks 7 and 12, during which they lose their juvenile feathers and grow out their first full coat of adult feathers.
After these initial molts, the regular adult molting cycle begins. A chicken usually goes through its first adult molt at around 18 months old, which can last for weeks or even months.
How Long Does Molting Last in Chickens?

Molting time in chickens can vary, but on average, it lasts between 8 and 12 weeks. This period can be influenced by several factors, including the chicken’s age, nutrition, and overall health.
Additionally, the duration of the molting depends on how intense it is. Some chickens might experience a soft molt, where the feather loss is minimal and might go unnoticed by new chicken owners.
Meanwhile, some chickens may go through a hard molt, which is more dramatic and causes them to lose a lot of their feathers quickly.
Regardless of the type, molting is an individualized experience. While some chickens might be finished molting within a month, others could take several months to regrow their feathers fully.
It’s also worth noting that not all birds in your backyard flock will molt at the same time. Some might start shedding feathers, while others are already getting their feathers back.
Nonetheless, with patience and proper care, they’ll soon regain their vibrant plumage and be back to their normal selves.
What Are the Signs of Chicken Molting?
One of the initial signs of molting is when your chicken’s feathers begin to look dull. This change hints that new feathers are on their way, pushing the old ones out.
As this process unfolds, chickens are going to have missing feathers around their bodies. Molting always starts at the head and works its way down to the tail feathers.
Another telling sign is a drop in egg laying. Molting demands high amounts of protein, causing many hens to stop laying eggs. This protein is redirected toward growing new feathers.
Behavioral shifts can also offer clues. A molting chicken might hide more and distance itself from the rest of the flock.
Furthermore, if your normally friendly chicken becomes mean or more aggressive, it might be due to the discomfort of molting. Some chickens even try to eat their own feathers in search of protein.
If you’re not sure whether your chickens are molting or not, check out this helpful video:
Tips for Feeding Molting Chickens

Feeding chickens the right nutrients is crucial during their molting phase. Since feathers are made up of over 90% protein, chickens need more protein during molting to grow their new pin feathers more efficiently.
Hence, increasing their protein intake by 20 to 22% is recommended. This can be achieved by switching from regular layer feed to a high protein feed, such as broiler feed, for a month or so.
In addition to their regular feed, supplementing their daily diet with high-protein treats can be beneficial. Black oil sunflower seeds, scrambled eggs, and fish pellets are excellent choices.
These treats ensure that the chickens get the high amounts of protein they need to help their feathers grow back faster.
What to Do to Help Chickens Get Through Molting
Chickens have it rough when they’re molting, but with the right care, you can make this process easier for your flock. Here’s what chicken keepers can do to help their molting chickens:
- Reduce stress: Stress can make molting even harder for chickens. Ensure their environment remains calm. Avoid introducing new flock members or making sudden changes in their routine. A peaceful coop helps your chickens molt without added anxiety.
- Limit handling: When chickens are molting, they lose their feathers. This can make their skin more sensitive. Thus, chicken keepers need to handle their flock as little as possible to avoid making them uncomfortable. If you must handle them, do it carefully in order to avoid causing harm to their newly grown feathers.
- Monitor roosters: Roosters can be aggressive, especially during molting. Watch for signs of excessive pecking or bullying. If one of your roosters is being aggressive toward the other chickens, you may want to separate them from the flock temporarily. Doing this can help give your hens the peace they need during this stressful time.
- Switch to a high-protein feed: In my early days of chicken-keeping, I noticed my flock’s feathers looked dull during molting. On a fellow farmer’s advice, I switched to a high-protein feed. The transformation was remarkable! Their feathers grew back healthier, and they seemed more energetic. You may also offer high-protein treats to give them an extra boost.
- Add apple cider vinegar to water: Apple cider vinegar can be a great addition to your molting chickens’ water. It helps boost their immune system, ensuring they stay healthy during molting. Just a tablespoon in their water container can make a big difference.
By understanding molting and providing the right care, you can help your backyard chickens get through this phase with ease. Remember, every chicken is unique, so always monitor and adjust care as needed.
Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Only One of My Chickens Molting?
Molting is a natural process for chickens, but it can be puzzling when only one hen in the chicken coop starts shedding feathers. This can happen for a number of reasons.
Firstly, not all flock members start molting at the same time. The process can vary from chicken to chicken, and it’s spread out over several weeks. Age also has an impact.
If you notice that only one chicken is losing its feathers and not the others, make sure it’s not stressed or facing any health issues like lice or mites.
Do Chickens Lay Eggs When Molting?
When hens molt, they redirect all of their energy to growing new feathers, leaving little for egg production. Thus, chickens stop laying eggs during this period.
Furthermore, hens may stop laying eggs regularly if they experience discomfort from losing their feathers. The length of this period can vary, but once molting is over, the chickens’ laying cycle typically resumes.
So, don’t worry if you start noticing that your hens have stopped laying eggs while molting. With the right care and diet, your hens can get back to laying in no time.
Is Molting Stressful for Chickens?
Molting is indeed a stressful time for chickens. As they shed and new feathers begin to grow, they undergo a messy and uncomfortable process.
Molting hurts at times, especially when a chicken goes through a hard molt.
New pinfeathers emerging can be painful, making their skin sensitive. This pain can cause some chickens to become moody or aggressive, disrupting the pecking order in the coop.
Hence, It’s essential to care for chickens during this period, offering ways to help reduce their stress. Providing a safe environment and minimizing disturbances can make the molting process smoother for your flock.
How Long After Molting Do Chickens Start Laying Again?
When chickens finish molting, they usually begin laying eggs within two weeks if they are under lights. Without lights, the time may vary, and factors like daylight hours can influence the process.
Moreover, some chickens might take the entire winter off from laying, especially after their first hard molt. Molting takes a lot out of them, and they need time to get their body weight back up.
Adding artificial light to the coop can help maintain optimum laying conditions and speed up the process of getting your chickens back to laying eggs.
Do Chickens Get Cold When They Molt?
Chickens are generally resilient to cold weather, but their feathers play a crucial role in keeping them warm. They lose some of this insulation when molting, especially during a severe molt.
Most chickens molt in the fall, and this can coincide with dropping temperatures in colder regions. Providing a warm and dry coop and extra protein for chickens undergoing a light molt can help them cope.
However, those experiencing a severe molt during a cold spell might struggle to maintain their body temperature, so it’s essential to monitor them closely and provide additional care if needed.
Final Thoughts
Chickens will molt at some point in their lives, but this transition doesn’t have to be stressful if you’re prepared. With the right knowledge and care, you can support your flock through this natural process.
By understanding the signs of molting and implementing helpful measures such as switching to high-protein feed and careful handling, you can ensure that your flock remains healthy and vibrant during this time.
Keep in mind that each chicken is unique, and they all molt in different ways. With careful attention and specific care, you can make this process smoother and more comfortable for your flock.
If you have any advice for others on how to deal with molting chickens, please share it in the comment section below.