Black and white chickens stand out as stunning feathered wonders in the amazing world of poultry, thanks to their captivating array of contrasting plumage.
From bold barred patterns to subtle laced designs, these chickens add charm to any flock. Moreover, their calm and friendly nature adds to their allure, making them a delightful addition to any backyard coop.
Read on as this article explores the beauty and uniqueness of various black and white chicken breeds, revealing the intriguing genetic patterns behind their incredible appearances.
19 Black and White Chicken Breeds
1. Ancona

Origin: | Italy |
Rooster Weight: | 6–6.6 lbs (2.7–3 kg) |
Hen Weight | 4.8–5.5 lbs (2.2–2.5 kg) |
Egg Production: | 180–220 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Large |
A black and white chicken breed, the Ancona is renowned for both its remarkable beauty and productivity. These chickens have striking black feathers mottled with white tips, giving them a unique and attractive appearance.
Anconas are active, intelligent, and entertaining birds. They are also great foragers, which makes them cheaper to raise because they need less feed.
Despite their active nature, Anconas are friendly and trusting of their human caretakers. Because of their friendly nature, these chickens do best when kept in groups of at least three.
Moreover, these chickens are prolific layers, producing around 180 to 280 large white eggs per year. They are hardy chickens, laying eggs consistently even in cold weather.
However, they are not typically broody, so you may need an incubator or another broody hen if you want to hatch chicks.
2. Dorking

Origin: | England |
Rooster Weight: | 10–14 lbs (4.5–6.3 kg) |
Hen Weight | 8–10 lbs (3.6–4.5 kg) |
Egg Production: | 170–190 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Dorking chicken, known for its distinctive white and black plumage, has a long and storied history. Possibly dating back to the year 43 A.D., these fowls are one of the oldest chicken breeds in existence.
They have been interbred with other chickens over the years, contributing to the creation of new breeds.
Despite their rarity and endangered status, Dorking chickens are cherished for their dual-purpose nature, providing both meat and eggs.
Dorking chickens are a huge breed, weighing between 8 and 14 pounds. They have a stout body, short legs, and a large comb. They are also one of the few breeds that sport a fifth toe, a cute quirk that adds to their charm.
In terms of egg-laying, Dorking hens produce white or lightly tinted eggs and can lay around 170 to 190 eggs per year.
They are also prized for their excellent meat quality and are often considered among the best chicken breeds for meat.
3. Brahma

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 9–12 lbs (4–5.4 kg) |
Hen Weight | 7–9 lbs (3.2–4.1 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–200 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Brahma chicken is one of the largest black and white chicken breeds in the world. They’re recognized for their upright carriage, large heads, and feathered feet.
Brahma chickens served as the primary meat chicken breed in the United States from the 1850s to the 1930s. Today, they’re raised for both meat and egg production, as well as ornamental purposes.
Brahma chickens are hardy and adaptable, able to thrive in various climates. They are also known for their docile nature, making them easy to handle and a good choice for those new to poultry keeping.
They get along fine with other breeds as well. Despite their large size, they are quite comfortable in confinement, making them suitable for various types of backyard setups.
Watch the video below for an up-close look at this massive chicken breed:
4. Hamburg

Origin: | Netherlands |
Rooster Weight: | 4.4–5.5 lbs (2–2.5 kg) |
Hen Weight | 3.5–4 lbs (1.6–1.8 kg) |
Egg Production: | 200–250 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
The Hamburg is a small, lively black and white chicken beloved for its stunning looks. They have bright red wattles, rose combs, and pale blue legs.
They come in a variety of colors and patterns, including silver-spangled, golden penciled, and even a rare blue.
Moreover, these chickens are prolific egg layers, producing white eggs regularly. Despite their small size, they are robust and adapt well to free-ranging, making excellent foragers.
Hamburg chickens are also famed for their flight ability and often prefer to roost in trees.
However, they can be pretty elusive and are not usually people-friendly. They feel at home with their feathered friends and love to explore their surroundings.
Despite their independent nature, their vibrant personalities and striking looks make them a fascinating addition to any flock.
5. Iowa Blue

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 6.6–7 lbs (3–3.2 kg) |
Hen Weight | 5.5–6 lbs (2.5–2.7 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–200 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Medium |
The Iowa Blue chicken, developed in the early 1900s near Decorah, Iowa, is a rare black and white chicken breed.
Despite their name, Iowa Blues don’t actually have blue feathers. Their neck, breasts, and head are white or silvery white, transitioning to white-laced black feathers.
This black and white chicken breed is ideal for a wide range of temperatures thanks to their toughness and adaptability. For this reason, farmers in Iowa find them to be a very valuable commodity.
Furthermore, Iowa Blue chickens are a reliable source of both meat and eggs. Hens are known to lay roughly 200 eggs annually and make excellent mothers.
Meanwhile, roosters are fierce protectors of the flock, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a breed with strong protective instincts.
Iowa Blue chickens are difficult to come by, but they are well worth the search. You’ll be doing your part to save an almost extinct breed by adding these black and white chickens to your flock.
6. Dominique

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 6–7 lbs (2.7–3.2 kg) |
Hen Weight | 4–5 lbs (1.8–2.3 kg) |
Egg Production: | 230–270 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Medium |
The Dominique chicken is the oldest American chicken breed. Originating from the early settlers of Europe, these chickens are known for their distinctive black and white barred feathers, often referred to as the cuckoo pattern.
I had the pleasure of owning Dominiques before in my backyard coop, and I love how hardy they are in both heat and cold. This made them very easy to handle.
On top of this, they are also calm and gentle, even with the children in our family. I also find it funny how they used to follow me around in exchange for treats.
Dominique chickens are also excellent layers, laying an average of 230 to 275 small to medium-sized light brown eggs annually. Moreover, they tend to be broody mothers.
However, broodiness seems to be more common in Dominiques raised in small backyard flocks, as opposed to those from hatcheries.
7. Lakenvelder

Origin: | Netherlands |
Rooster Weight: | 4.8–6 lbs (2.2–2.7 kg) |
Hen Weight | 4–4.4 lbs (1.8–2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–200 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
Another breed known for its distinctive black and white pattern is the Lakenvelder chicken. These chickens are small to medium-sized, standing around a foot tall when fully grown.
They have a striking color pattern with a primarily white body, pale blue-gray legs, and black tail feathers and hackles.
Lakenvelders are not just for show; they are also productive layers, producing over 150 eggs per year. These eggs are small to medium-sized and usually white or lightly tinted.
In terms of temperament, Lakenvelders are active and enjoy open spaces. They are flighty chickens that can’t stand being cooped up. Hence, they may not be the best choice for those seeking calm and docile breeds.
8. Light Sussex

Origin: | England |
Rooster Weight: | 8.8–9.2 lbs (4–4.2 kg) |
Hen Weight | 6.6–7 lbs (3–3.2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 240–260 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
The light Sussex is a beautiful white and black chicken breed that belongs to the old English heritage breeds. They’re one of the oldest breeds in Europe.
Admired for their regal appearance, these chickens are friendly, companionable, and easy to care for.
The combination of their beautiful black feathering at the neck, wings, and tail with their mostly white, elegant body makes them a sight to behold.
Despite their large size, they are not particularly broody, and they lay large, light-brown eggs consistently throughout the year. They are also quite hardy, dealing well with cold winters and summer heat.
However, their calm nature can sometimes make them targets for bullying in the pecking order.
Hence, it’s essential for prospective owners to keep a close eye on their flock and take action if they observe any indications of bullying or aggression toward them.
Overall, the light Sussex chicken is a reliable, friendly chicken breed that’s perfect for both beginners and experienced chicken keepers.
9. California Gray

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 5.5–6.6 lbs (2.5–3 kg) |
Hen Weight | 3.3–4.4 lbs (1.5–2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 260–300 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Large |
One of the most versatile and adaptable black and white chickens on this list, the California Gray chicken, was developed in the 1930s by James Dryden.
California Grays are a cross between the white Leghorn and the Barred Plymouth Rock, resulting in a dual-purpose chicken ideal for both egg-laying and meat production.
These chickens are known for their impressive egg production, laying up to 300 white eggs per year. This makes California Grays one of the best white egg-laying chicken breeds.
In fact, these chickens are one of the earliest breeds in my kennel, which I heavily relied on for my poultry’s egg production.
The additional bonus I had in keeping California Grays is their friendliness, gentleness, and sociability. They get along very well with the other breeds in the coop, and they do well in both confined and open settings.
This breed is lighter than Barred Plymouth Rocks but heavier than White Leghorns. They are primarily black as chicks with white spots on their heads, and their feathers become barred black and white as they mature.
Despite their several advantages, California Grays are still a rare breed, and the American Poultry Association (APA) has not recognized them for exhibition.
10. Cuckoo Marans

Origin: | France |
Rooster Weight: | 7.7–8.8 lbs (3.5–4 kg) |
Hen Weight | 5.5–6.6 lbs (2.5–3 kg) |
Egg Production: | 220–280 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Dark brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
Stunning in appearance, the Cuckoo Marans is a native French breed. These black and white chickens were developed in the mid-1800s and gained popularity for their dark brown eggs, which were uncommon then.
They are medium-sized chickens with broad and muscular bodies, and their black and white striped feathers give them a cuckoo or speckled appearance.
Cuckoo Marans are not just beautiful but also practical. They are excellent layers, consistently producing large eggs with rich yolks throughout the year.
Besides their egg-laying ability, they are also valued for their meat production. Their flavorful meat and dark color make them an appealing choice for those looking to raise dual-purpose chickens.
When it comes to temperament, Cuckoo Marans are noted for their friendliness and calm nature.
These curious birds are explorers at heart. However, they are equally happy to perch or scratch in the dirt when given a chance.
11. Egyptian Fayoumi

Origin: | Egypt |
Rooster Weight: | 2.8–4 lbs (1.3–1.8 kg) |
Hen Weight | 2.2–3.5 lbs (1–1.6 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–220 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Cream, white |
Egg Size: | Small |
The Egyptian Fayoumi is a rare breed of chicken that hails from Egypt and is known for its distinctive black and white plumage.
These chickens are on the smaller side, with males weighing around 3 to 4 pounds and females about 2 to 3 pounds at most.
Egyptian Fayoumis are noted for their strong flying skills and their knack for escaping, making them a bit of a challenge for those who prefer their chickens to stay put.
They are not particularly fond of being handled and are happiest when they can roam freely. Moreover, they are skilled foragers. Thus, they don’t need to be fed as much compared to other breeds because they find their own food.
Furthermore, Fayoumis are renowned for their resistance to common poultry diseases and quick maturity. Hens can begin laying eggs as early as four months old and lay up to 220 eggs a year.
12. Silver Laced Polish

Origin: | Netherlands |
Rooster Weight: | 5–6 lbs (2.2–2.7 kg) |
Hen Weight | 4.5–5.5 lbs (2–2.5 kg) |
Egg Production: | 100–150 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
The Silver Laced Polish chicken is a breed that is easily recognizable thanks to its large, fluffy crest and gorgeous plumage with a black and white pattern, featuring silver and white feathers tipped with black.
When first bred in the Netherlands in the 15th century, these chickens were prized for their excellent egg-laying capabilities at the time. However, nowadays, they are primarily kept for show and exhibition purposes.
Silver Laced Polish chickens are a fantastic option for families with children because of their gentle demeanor and attractive looks. On top of that, they’re also low-maintenance birds.
However, one thing to note about this breed is their head feathers, which can sometimes obstruct their vision, potentially making them more vulnerable to predators or accidents.
Hence, they need regular grooming of their head feathers and a secure place to live. Nonetheless, they are active birds that enjoy foraging when allowed to free range.
13. Thüringian Chicken

Origin: | Germany |
Rooster Weight: | 4.4–5.5 lbs (2–2.5 kg) |
Hen Weight | 3.3–4.4 lbs (1.5–2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 140–180 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
A beautiful black and white chicken breed from the German Thüringer Forest, the Thüringian chicken is characterized by its distinctive beard, blue legs, and barely visible earlobes and wattles.
They were initially bred as a dual-purpose breed. These days, they are mostly bred for conservation and exhibited at poultry shows.
The breed comes in various color varieties, including black, silver-spangled, gold-spangled, and chamois-spangled. A smaller, bantam version of this breed is also available.
Moreover, Thüringians are active foragers that prefer to free-range but can tolerate confinement if given enough run area.
They are also known for their fast growth, cold-hardiness, and excellent egg-laying capabilities, producing approximately 140 to 180 white eggs per year.
14. Scots Dumpy Chicken

Origin: | Scotland |
Rooster Weight: | 6.6–7 lbs (3–3.2 kg) |
Hen Weight | 5.5–6 lbs (2.5–2.7 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–180 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Scots Dumpy, an ancient chicken breed from Scotland, is known for its short, stubby legs and large, round body. They are often black and white in color and have a bright, straight comb.
Despite their short legs, these chickens are excellent foragers and are known for their gentle and curious nature.
Scots Dumpies are versatile chickens raised for their meat, eggs, and even for show. They produce a moderate number of eggs throughout the year and grow to a large size, making them a good source of meat.
Moreover, they are adaptable and can thrive in various environments, making them suitable for both small-scale and large-scale farming.
Whether in a backyard or on a farm, the Scots Dumpy is a delightful addition with its calm and friendly nature.
15. Columbian Wyandotte

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 8–9 lbs (3.5–4 kg) |
Hen Weight | 6–7 lbs (2.7–3.2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 200–240 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Columbian Wyandotte is a large black and white chicken developed by crossing a Barred Rock and a white Wyandotte. They are sturdy and easy to care for, making them ideal for novice chicken keepers.
Their neck and tail are black, while the rest of their feathers are white, giving them a distinct appearance. They are also cold-hardy due to their thick plumage.
In addition to their stunning looks, this breed is cherished for their calm nature, resilience, and excellent foraging skills. They are a versatile breed that can be raised for eggs, meat, and companionship.
These chickens are fairly low-maintenance, but they still need a spacious coop and a healthy diet to grow and flourish.
Overall, Columbian Wyandotte chickens are a great choice for anyone looking to raise chickens. They are easy to care for, productive, and have a friendly disposition, making them a joy to raise.
16. Barred Plymouth Rock

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 7.5–9.4 lbs (3.4–4.3 kg) |
Hen Weight | 6.6–7.5 lbs (3–3.4 kg) |
Egg Production: | 200–300 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Barred Plymouth Rock, often simply called the Barred Rock, is a distinctive black and white chicken breed known for its hardiness and dual-purpose nature.
These chickens are big, weighing around 6 to 9 pounds, and can be easily distinguished thanks to their characteristic black and white stripes.
Furthermore, Barred Rocks are well known for being friendly and docile, which makes them a fantastic choice for small family farms or backyard poultry enthusiasts.
They are also hardy birds that can survive in a wide range of settings, including environments with cold climates.
On top of that, these chickens are the perfect black and white chickens for you if you need a consistent supply of fresh eggs because they can lay up to 300 eggs a year.
These prolific layers will surely delight any chicken keeper with a steady supply of nutritious eggs throughout the year.
17. Appenzeller Spitzhauben

Origin: | Switzerland |
Rooster Weight: | 3.5–4.4 lbs (1.6–2 kg) |
Hen Weight | 2.8–3.5 lbs (1.3–1.6 kg) |
Egg Production: | 150–180 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
A Swiss national breed, the Appenzeller Spitzhauben is a gorgeous black and white chicken with a forward-pointing crest and a v-shaped comb.
Their feathers are mostly white with a characteristic black spangle at the tip, making for a striking and lovely appearance. They stand out from the rest of the flock thanks to their stunning crests and plumage patterns.
These chickens are small, active, and alert, making them good at evading predators. They are also hardy birds that can thrive in colder climates. They lay a decent number of eggs, even continuing to lay during harsh winters.
Despite their flighty nature, some keepers say that their Appenzellers are quite friendly and pleasant. They are generally healthy and can live up to 8 years if given proper care.
However, because of their small size and flighty behavior, they are likely to be picked on by other breeds in a mixed flock.
18. White Crested Black Polish

Origin: | Netherlands |
Rooster Weight: | 5–6 lbs (2.2–2.7 kg) |
Hen Weight | 4.5–5.5 lbs (2–2.5 kg) |
Egg Production: | 100–150 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | White |
Egg Size: | Medium |
The White Crested Black Polish is a popular black and white chicken breed known for its remarkable appearance. They have a large crest of feathers that almost entirely covers their head, giving them a unique and charming look.
Among the various Polish chicken breed varieties, these chickens stand out with their fluffy white crest, which creates a stunning contrast with their primarily black bodies.
Beyond their eye-catching appearance, they are known for their friendly and docile nature. Because of this, they make excellent pets, especially for children.
Furthermore, White Crested Black Polish chickens are reliable egg layers. They can produce up to 150 medium-sized eggs every year.
Interestingly, these chickens rarely go broody, which means they continue to lay eggs without interruption.
19. Black Laced Silver Wyandotte

Origin: | United States |
Rooster Weight: | 8–9 lbs (3.5–4 kg) |
Hen Weight | 6–7 lbs (2.7–3.2 kg) |
Egg Production: | 200–240 eggs per year |
Egg Color: | Brown |
Egg Size: | Large |
The Black Laced Silver Wyandotte is a charming chicken breed known for its unique black and white feather pattern, with white and silver feathers that are tipped with black linings.
In addition to having good looks, this breed is hardworking as well. Weighing between 6 and 9 pounds, these chickens are robust and known for their egg-laying capabilities, producing around 240 eggs a year.
They are docile and enjoy the company of their kind, making them a great addition to any flock. Despite their friendly nature, they are not lap chickens and prefer their own space.
Further, they adapt well to confinement, making them a good choice for those with smaller yards.
With their combination of beauty and productivity, Black Laced Silver Wyandottes are a popular breed among poultry enthusiasts.
Whether you’re looking for a reliable egg-layer or a beautiful bird to admire, this breed is a fantastic choice.
Types of Patterns in Black and White Chickens
Black and white chicken breeds are not only visually striking but also come with a variety of feather patterns that make each breed unique.
These captivating birds showcase an array of eye-catching patterns that add a touch of elegance and charm to their appearance.
Here are some of the most common types of patterns you’ll find in black and white chickens.
Barred Pattern
Black and white chickens with a barred pattern are characterized by striped feathers. In this pattern, each feather displays alternating bands of black and white, creating a uniform barred appearance.
While the stripes may not be regularly visible across the chicken’s entire plumage, a closer look at individual feathers reveals the distinctive barring.
Laced Pattern
In a laced pattern, the outer edge of each feather is darker than the rest, creating a beautiful lace-like effect.
A black outline can be seen around the tips of each white feather in a black and white chicken that exhibits a laced pattern, creating a beautiful and elegant design.
Spangled Pattern
The spangled feather pattern lacks pigmentation in the center of each feather. This results in round patches of color on the chicken, making it look like a white bird with black spots.
Mottled Pattern
The mottled pattern is essentially the reverse of the spangled pattern. In this pattern, there’s a lack of pigmentation at the ends of the chickens’ feathers, creating layers of thick black bands with white at the tips.
Penciled Pattern
One of the most elegant patterns seen in black and white chickens is the penciled pattern.
Each feather in the penciled pattern is made up of thin black lines, resembling pencil strokes, on a white background, creating an exquisitely detailed design.
Columbian Pattern
In the Columbian pattern, black pigmentation is suppressed in some areas of the chicken’s plumage. The expression of the color black is only visible on the chickens’ necks, wings, and tails, leaving the rest of the plumage white.
Because of the stark contrast between black and white, chickens with this pattern are easily distinguished from the rest of the flock.
Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the White Chickens With Black Necks?
The light Sussex, Columbian Wyandotte, and Lakenvelder chickens are three chicken breeds that stand out for their distinctive plumage. All of them are known for their striking contrast of pure white bodies and black necks.
Both the light Sussex and the Columbian Wyandotte are useful in more ways than one. They are fantastic complements to any backyard flock due to their friendliness and hardiness.
The Lakenvelder, sometimes referred to as the “Shadow on a Sheet,” is a beautiful breed with a predominantly white body with black hackles and tails.
What Color Eggs Do Black and White Chickens Lay?
Eggs laid by black and white chickens can be brown, cream, or white in color. However, It’s important to note that the egg color is determined by the breed, not the feather color.
For instance, the White Crested Black Polish, a striking black and white chicken breed, lays white eggs. On the other hand, the Cuckoo Marans, another black and white chicken, is known for laying dark brown eggs.
So, when choosing chickens based on egg color preference, it’s essential to research the specific breed to determine the egg color they are most likely to produce.
What Causes a Chicken to Have Both Black and White Feathers?
The color of a chicken’s feathers, whether it’s a beautiful black-and-white pattern or striking white feathers with black trim, is determined by its genetics.
Codominance is a factor in some chicken breeds that controls the feather color gene. This means that both the black and white genes are dominant, resulting in a chicken with both white and black feathers.
A good example is the Barred Plymouth Rock chicken, which is known for its black and white barred pattern.
The “black restrictor” or “barring gene” is responsible for this pattern; it prevents the development of the black pigment in certain areas, revealing the white underneath.
So, which of these breeds would be the next addition to your flock? Share your favorite black-and-white chicken in the comment section below. Also, feel free to ask any questions you may have on any of the breeds discussed in this article.